Saturday, October 8, 2016

Screenhouse Update

As quick as the framing went up, that's how slow the screening is coming. I hadn't really thought about the tediousness of applying screen, stretching it, blocking, trimming. Lots of saw cuts, lots of fitting things together. It all takes time. 

Already Crusty and the cats have discovered the screening the hard way. They are so use to running across the deck unencumbered. They don't even notice the screening until they've run into it. So one of the things making this job take so long is retightening the screen. After several crashes, everybody now seems to be aware of the screens. 

Here's a few photos of how things look......

Trimmed in the left. Ready for trim on the right. 

Since I don't have the roofing supplies yet, the only two other tasks are making the screen door and making flower boxes for the triangular porch of the screen house. David will be making the door next week.....and perhaps cobble together those flower boxes for me. Since I won't be able to pick up roofing for a couple of weeks, the project will then go on hold for awhile. 

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