Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Drivel - Blood Moon

Last night was our second blood moon of this year. While I stayed awake to watch the last one, this time around it was beyond me to successfully force myself out of bed at 1 am to see the moon. Since I woke up this morning still muscle sore, my desire to stay glued to my sheets may have been a good one. I've been fairly physically active these past weeks and its catching up to me. 

Anyway, hubby got up to view the moon. And with our camera that is totally inadequate for the task, proceeded to photograph it. Besides the wrong camera for the job, the sky was misty, a mix of moisture and vog. Pretty poor settings for sky photography. But he did manage to get a couple of pics. 
Fuzzy , yes, but what does one expect from an iPhone? 

Special events, such as this lunar eclipse, serve to remind me that there are wondrous things going on around me. 

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