Wednesday, January 3, 2018

2017 Rain & Temps

2017 rain total -- 40.2 inches
2017 highest temperature recorded on 8/18 -- 85°
2017 lowest temperature recorded on both 1/31 and 2/1 -- 49°
Generally, I got the overall impression that 2017 was a warm year with decent, but not great, rainfall, though the total shows it to be a bit on the low side. 

With rain being less than ideal. I ended up having to irrigate a number of times, plus needed to haul water for the greenhouses. Normal rainfall totals are around 60 inches. So 2017 was about 20" below normal, and 13 inches less than 2016. Two years in a row with less than expected rain means that there's less moisture banked in the soil for the trees. So I will have to be aware of that if 2018 also turns out low on rain. 

The seed farm had even less rain. I don't have an accurate reading for that location, but I estimate that it received around 25" of rain. Hauling water is a necessity on that piece of land. Temperatures are much warmer there, though I don't record it. On days that the farm is in the low 80s, the seed farm is hitting 90°. 

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