Thursday, August 25, 2016

Adding to the Secret Garden

The secret garden area will ultimately be a beautified pasture, and I see no reason why not to make it pretty. It was a poor pasture before I started.....just ferns and molasses grass. Now it's a variety of livestock edibles (okinawan spinach, sweet potato, ti, banana, sugar cane, pipinola, pumpkin, and soon to be added : grains) plus non-edibles mixed in. 

Orchids, why not? 

Caladiums, sure. 

Coleus, nice color. But will the sheep eat them too? I don't know yet. 

Colorful flowers. Perhaps edible. But for now they add color. 

An interesting fern. To date the animals have ignored all ferns. 

Crotons are so colorful. 

This bromeliad surprised me with a brilliant flower. 

To help define paths to walk on, I laid down some christmasberry wood chips. Within six months they will disappear but for now they help me envision where to plant things. 

I keep adding patches of both edible and ornamental plants. But I keep it in the back of my mind that this area will be used for pasturing purposes in addition to being pleasant to look at. Funny thing though, even though it doesn't look like a traditional pasture, it will be providing tons more feed for the sheep than it did back in the ferns & grass days. 

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