Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Farm Plan - Food Future

Since this discussion is about the farm plan for food, expanding food production is the paramount goal. But it includes not just food for us, but food for others and feed for livestock. 

As far as human food goes, the plan primarily calls for producing surplus to sell for farm income. A second focus is on changing our own diet expectations.....truly learning to enjoy "real food" all the time rather than slipping in commercially prepared foods. In regard to this second goal, we do allow ourselves to splurge on the weekends, which helps a lot. Total "bad food" deprivation doesn't work for us. If we get none, then we crave it even worse. Thus right now we are not 100% food independent although in a crisis we could be. And possibly in the near future we will be. So part of the future food plan calls for us to work on this issue. 

Producing surplus........ the main goal of the homestead farm plan. Consistently producing surplus would open the door to being able to support our livestock independent of commercial feeds. Surplus would also give our bartering more flexibility, the problem being that currently I often don't have what others are looking for. Surplus would also mean that I could attend local farmers markets and convert that excess into cash. Face it, no matter how independent a homestead wants to be, there is still the need for cash for taxes, insurances, medical costs, tools, some fuels, repairs and maintenance, and expansion costs. Not everybody wishes to barter the items and services that I need to acquire. 

What sort of surpluses do I have in mind for the future? 

Increase edible pastures. 

Learn to produce grains for on farm use. 

Increase salable fruits and vegetables. 

Produce resale items : plant starts, seeds, compost, mulching material. While these are not food items directly, they indirectly result in food. 

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