Tuesday, July 24, 2018

More Beds Completed

Ok number counters, here's some more square footages for you. 

Bed ..... 36 sq ft .....taro
Bed ..... 60 sq ft .....taro
Bed ..... 56 sq ft .....taro
Bed ..... 60 sq ft .....taro
Bed ..... 132 sq ft ...taro

Above, a small bed tucked between some fruit trees. Planted and almost completely mulched. 

Yeah, I'm focused on getting the taro replanted. I have quite a few varieties that I'm growing. So it felt good the get five more harvested and then restarted. 

Above, 132 sq ft right outside the rock wall out front by the street. I haven't had a problem with people stealing taro. And I have an agreement with the hunters that they can harvest the taro as they wish in exchange for meat and slaughter waste. It's an arrangement that works out well. 

"I" asked me "Why do you grow so much taro?" Truthfully, I don't eat all this taro. There are a few varieties that grace my table from time to time, but most of it doesn't. I grow most of it for preservation purposes. I like having the Hawaiian varieties here for other people to take home and grow. I donate plenty of starts to various Hawaiian cultural events, specifically for them to be given away to anyone who wishes to grow them. Many years ago Jerry Konanui started my interest in taro. He gave me several taro huli, I think 6 or 8. That kind gesture got me interested in local foods. I now payback that kindness by offering huli to others. 

As I harvest the taro, I prepare the starts for replanting, and direct the rest of the plant to the livestock feed pot. Taro needs to be cooked before feeding it to the pigs and chickens, though I've seen chickens dig up the corms in the garden and eat them raw! Egads. I don't know how they can do that. Taro has a high "itch" factor that bothers most animals, including man. So I cook it. My taro patches yield quite a lot of livestock food. 

Above, a little garden bed along the driveway. I will utilize even small or narrow spaces for growing food. 

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