Monday, March 4, 2013

Why this blog?

Why this blog? Well, when I tell people what I do and where I live, I always gets lots of questions about how I did it, and why. So it was suggested that I make a blog so others can learn by example. So, here it goes.

Who am I? I am Su Ba, a retired woman in her mid 60's who is finally pursueing her desire to live a basic homestead style farm life. My background is from average middle class. I spent most of my life in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and England. 

Where am I? On Big Island, Hawaii. At 2300 foot elevation where the nights are cool (55 to 60), days are warm (70 to 80), with adequate rainfall (60 inches). Where am I? In paradise! 

The above sunset is real. No photoshop, no enhancements. The sunsets at times can be incredible here. This one was photographed by me from a friend's front yard at about 3800 foot elevation. 


  1. It's a shame I could only read your blog right now. But here in Brasil (that's how we write it, with an "s") we say "antes tarde do que nunca" - "Better late than never". I am thinking about retiring this year. Probably will learn a lot from the reading from now on. Thanks for the effort of putting all this experience together.

  2. Ha ha, I finally found the first page of roughly 1,750 pages.

  3. Aaaah, to start the journey of my blog, it's probable best to start at the beginning. Glad you found it! .......and welcome!
