Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Improving Health

Being sick when you're the only farmer on the place is a bummer. But happily I don't have any pressing need to be getting something done asap. So far all the animals are being checked regularly. That's enough. I'm getting lots of sleep, giving my body an overall rest in the process. So many of my aches & pains should be gone at the end of all this. That's a plus. My main regrets are missing out on 2 spay/neuter clinics. I was too sick to attend. 

My fever disappeared today, so being the stubborn hardhead that I am, I moved compost into a new grow box and planted it with taro that I'm moving out of the main growing beds. The effort covered me in sweat and was exhausting. I retreated to the recliner for a nap. Guess I'm not well yet! But then, the coughing, sore throat, laryngitis, and clogged up ears sort of signaled my lack of good health. I did learn something today that was surprising. I've totally lost my sense of smell. Wow. Couldn't even smell an herb bouquet of rosemary, mint, and basil. So that's saying something! I hope my "smeller" gets back working again. 

Thanks everyone for the well wishes. Looks like I'm on the mend, but who knows how long it will take. I'm impatient to get back working again. 

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