Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Pig Trap

Trying to catch half wild pigs in my homemade cobbled together contraptions has given me new insights into pig catching. Once cornered, the buggers are like mini tanks and ramming machines, and they don't give up. Bam. Bam. Bam. They even tried jumping out, managing to hook their front feet over the top of the 4 foot high fence. And after many minutes of ramming, they actually busted a hole right through the fencing.

I decided that a trap needs to be either small or very large....and extremely tough. With an intermediate sized trap the piglets just keep ramming the sides. It's too large to stop them from getting a run start before they ram, and too small for them to settle down and hide in a corner.

The professional pig trap (yes you could make one yourself if you know what you're doing and have the  tools) is super sturdy. This one is well welded, completely made of metal, and strong. It weighs 94 lbs, though heavy, I can load, unload, and set it up by myself. And its construction is obviously something that even a cautious pig will accept and eventually walk into. After all, it caught my two suspicious piglets. By the way, they went berserk once trapped. But they couldn't bust out. Believe me, they surely tried. 

This trap uses a guillotine door, which is down (closed) in this photo. 

Now that I've solved my own pig problem, I plan to rent this trap out. I have a few people who already want to use the trap to solve their pig problem.

I transport the trap in the bed of my pick up, but it's a tad longer than the bed. 
I use a bed extender to safely hike the trap in the truck bed when I transport it.  


  1. Wow, that's heavy duty! But having had pigs, I know how strong and determined they are. Renting it out is a great idea.

    1. After having failed miserably with less sturdy traps, I decided to go with the best one available to me. I'm happy with it so far.

  2. What do you do with the pig once you trap it? Can you release it someplace safe?

    1. Stephanie, wild pigs are a real nuisance here. They are destructive to vegetation, knock down rock walks, break fencing, and kill small livestock. Just recently a feral hog killed several newborn lambs right down the road from our farm. This past year a feral hog was witnessed killing tied out dogs in a town about a 45 minute drive away. Last week a pig was known to have killed a friend's cat and take it off to eat, so these pigs are not barnyard pigs. It would be very irresponsible to take them someplace else and release them, only for them to cause destruction to someone else's property.

      In addition there are plenty of local families who could really use the free meat. I live in a poor rural area where free food is very appreciated. Therefore we shoot the captured pigs, dress them out, and give them to a deserving family group.

  3. Do u sell these traps if so I would like to buy some I run a hog trapping side job of mine right here my number 385 8517

  4. My name is Larry Ford. I bought one of your traps long ago, now need another. I called your number from the picture of the trap, but it was busy several times. What is the price and since I am in Kona,could you deliver it here some time when you will be here like last time? My email address is and phone is 323-2323.

  5. we need the trap here. Don't know what to do. There's at least 3 males & a 300+lb sow that are making us fear for our dogs. At first, loud noises, lights, even bad smells worked. They don't scare away anymore. Do u still rent the trap?

  6. My name is Mike and I live in kurtistown right on the highway. If your still renting out trap please get ahold of me. I will donate the meat and it would help my yard out. Probably 5 pigs. They are coming up every night now all the way to my dogs area. Call me at 495-0946. Thanks

  7. Aloha! In Volcano. Have lots of pig coming into my yard. Would live to trap and donate. Please let me know if you’re still renting out traps. Mahalo. 415-272-9335

  8. Howzit braddah, I'm looking to rent a trap in ainaloa plz dm me at 8083390378 Deric
