I don't recall how it got started, but all my ewes get "ewe" names and the rams "ram" names. In the past there has been:
Ewe-R-Cute (Cutie pie)
Ewe-Reka (Reka)
Ewe-Thanasia (Asia)
Ewe-Phoria (Four)
Ewe-Genics (Jenny)
Ewe-Goslavia (Via)
Ewe-Kon River (River)
Hey-Ewe (Hey-U)
Ewe-R-A-Keeper (Keepsie)
Ram-Bunctious (Bunky)
Ram-Part (Bart)
Current adult sheep that I'm keeping:
Ewe-Too (Toosie)
Ewe-Da-Mama (Mama)
E-Ram (E-Ram)
The spring battle fed babies will be:
Ram-Page (Page)
Ewe-Catan (Tan)
Ewe-Kon (Connie)
Ewe-Station (Stacy)
Ewe-Ca Gloriosa (Glory)
Ewe-Kon Gold (Goldie)
Ewe-L Tide (Tidy)
Some names awaiting lambs to be born:
Ewe-Knowit(all) Foramina....["little windows"]